The only way to get in touch with us regarding an injured bird is by leaving a voice message. Please call 724.898.1788 and leave us a message. Remember – we will return your call when we are able (feeding the little ones in our licensed care takes precedence over answering the phone). We will not respond to any messages or comments about an injured/orphaned bird via social media, email or text messages. Thank you so very much for your understanding and patience.
If you have a wild bird that needs help place it on a towel (not a paper towel or green grass) in a cardboard box and keep it in a warm, dark, quiet location and wait for our call.
Our physical address is 120 Forsythe Rd, Valencia, PA 16059. Do NOT bring a bird to us without talking to someone at our facility first. This is extremely important! Our facility is equipped to offer licensed care for Passerines (Songbirds, Swifts, Swallows) and Raptors (Birds of Prey). We are not equipped to admit mammals, waterfowl, or reptiles.
Other wildlife rehabbers in Pennsylvania can be found at www.pawr.com
If you would like to check a patient’s status – please click on the button to complete the Wildbird Recovery Patient Update Request. This Form will only need to be completed once and we will update you on the final disposition of the bird via email.